In a black community, many black people consider bad hair as a puffy hair. In the show, it said that most black people's natural hair are tightly poofy. But, what I think it's sad is that many of them do not like their natural hair and put weave, or chemical instead even from when they are very young.
(natural hair)
In the Tyra Banks Show, there were about five mothers who straightened their children's hair even when they are still really young. In the show, there was a four year old girl who had her hair straightened by her mom but cried the whole time she got her hair straightened. After her hair was done, she started smiling in the mirror. The smile from the girl was painful rather than happy when I watched it. I really think her mother shouldn't have done that to her when she cried the whole time she had her hair straightened. Although she smiled at last, it felt like her mom forced her to do it. I also think that any four year old girl look pretty with any kinds of hair........
This doesn't mean that they shouldn't do anything to their hair, but I really hope they feel confident and proud of what they are born with. It is good to have new hairstyles with weaves and chemicals, but everyone's natural hair is beautiful. I hope many black women realize how beautiful their hair is and not be too stressed about it.
From my experience, I have met many black women when I was in Kenya. Many of them did not like their hair and told me they wished to have hair like mine. I always thought that non of them were ugly with their hair. I just want to say that everyone looks beautiful, hot, and sexy with their natural hair!!
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