So I had to catch a taxi and waited on a very sunny day for a taxi. I was really in a hurry because I was kind of late. I finally caught this old taxi and got in. I told the driver to go to the "Justco" which was about 30 minutes long with a taxi. Of course I said it in Chinese although I wasn't good at Chinese :) About a half way to the Justco, the driver asked me if I was from Japan. (I was often mistaken as a Japanese when I was in China.) I was so bored that I said I was from Japan. I mean, I just wanted to joke with him.
In the front mirror of the car, I saw his face with an anger. I had no idea what that was for but he looked at me as if he was going to kill me!. I was really nervous and he shouted that I get out of the car. He stopped the car and he told me to get out of the taxi. I was kind of surprised and said that I was Korean. He still didn't believe me and argued that I was Japanese. He was so angry that I couldn't argue with him any more. I got off the taxi, very humiliated and caught another taxi in the middle of the road. I felt kind of cheated and ignored. Good thing was that I did not pay for the taxi and I paid less to the second taxi I got on.
Up to now, I still don't understand why he did that because even if I was a Japanese, he shouldn't have treated me that way. Anway, I think he is really weird...... I just hope he doesn't treat like that to other Japanese people!
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