Mean girls 2 is a comedy and romance movie played by Johanna (Jo) the main character, Amanda (Mandi), Abigail (Abby), Tyler Adams. The story starts with Jo who is a tomboy girl with her dad, an engineer. She goes to a high school and she gets attention from people for being pretty. In the school, there is the most poplular girl called Amanda and her two followers always being mean to Abby, a very rich girl because they are jealous. Jo once helps Abby run away from the mean girls and goes to Abby's house. Abby's dad sees Jo and secretly asks her to be Abby's bodyguard for lots of money. Jo agrees and she becomes close to Abby. They become best friend and the mean girls start to pick on Jo.
(The three mean girls)
Jo falls in love with Tyler Adams, who is Mandi's stepbrother but Mandi feels insulted. Jo becomes more and more popular and she becomes mean to people. She forgets who she is and all her friends. However, Tyler tells her that she has changed and he doesn't like the way she is mean to others just like Mandi. Jo becomes guilty and realizes she has changed. Mandi keeps trying to break Jo and Tyler up by damaging Jo's dad's car. Jo and Abby become mad and revenge Mandi by inviting everyone in Abby's house when it's Mandi's birthday. Mandi finds no one at her party and revenges Jo. She steals school's money and tells the principle that Jo stole the money. Jo is about to get expelled but the principal finally finds out that Mandi was the one who stole. Mandi gets arrested and the movie ends happily.
At first, I was really interested in the movie because I really liked the way the mean girls are being mean to others. They really acted mean and I could definately tell that they were "plastics" in the school. I also liked how Jo acted really tough towards the mean girls which started to get interesting. Definately, I liked the part where Jo and Tyler get along because they were a very fine couple. :)
(Tyler and Jo)
However, I did not like the ending of the movie.... The ending was just so obvious. I expected the ending to be something that no one would have expected to happen. Although it was a happy ending, I think it would have been better if the mean girls realized what they did wrong.
I would compare the mean girls 2 with the House Bunny. House Bunny is also a movie that is about popularity. Shalie from House bunny goes to a college dormetry to be the house mother. Seven nerdy girls live together in a big dorm but the dorm is about to be removed because nobody wants to live with them. They must get at least 30 people to live there. Shalie tries to make people live in the dorm by changing the girls into very hot and sexy. They all gain confidence and many people want to join the house. However, the girls turn mean and pick them by appearances. They soon realize that they have changed into mean girls and stop being mean. They both relate because the girls change really mean when they become popular. However, they learn that they were being wrong to others and they become kind again.
The Mean Girls 2 give a message that being popular and mean doesn't lead you to anything but failure. It also says that minority unpopular girls get hurt by mean girls because of how they are judged by appearance. I think it is a good message because many young people judge others on facial appearances.
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